Northland Residents

Northland Residents

2-hour session - To bathe in the healing waters of Ngawha Springs which has a long history of being a restorative and healing place to visit. You must bring proof of address to receive the Northland concession.

  • Продолжительность: 2 час. (прибл.)
От NZD 15,00 NZ$
 Local Residents

Local Residents

2-hour session to bathe in the restorative, healing waters of Ngawha Springs. To qualify for a local resident concession, you must reside within the boundary shown on the map, and bring proof of address to receive this price.

  • Продолжительность: 2 час. (прибл.)
От NZD 6,00 NZ$
Nga uri o Parahirahi Ngawha Waiariki Trust

Nga uri o Parahirahi Ngawha Waiariki Trust

2 - Hour Session to bathe in the restorative, healing waters of Ngawha Springs. for the Parahirahi Ngawha Waiariki Trust uri rate you must be a confirmed beneficiary to receive this concession.

  • Продолжительность: 2 час. (прибл.)
От NZD 6,00 NZ$